YCIS Beijing Open Day: Understanding the Bilingual Child 北京耀中开放日
Join YCIS Beijing’s Open Day on December 7 to understand how you can support your children on their bilingual journey. From the early stages of their life through graduation, the journey of a bilingual learner is both unique and challenging. Being able to fully communicate in a second language and thoroughly understand a second culture is a struggle that could take learners many years or even decades.
Discover more about how you can be a partner in your child’s journey by attending a special panel discussion at YCIS Beijing. Made up of both expert educators and parents, the panel will share their experiences, tips and techniques for helping students on their bilingual journeys.
YCIS Beijing’s panel discussion will offer you the opportunity to learn more about:
The Bilingual Learning Process 双语学习的过程
Challenges and Benefits of Bilingual Learning 双语学习的挑战及好处
Bilingualism Myths and Tips 双语学习的迷思及秘诀
YCIS Beijing‘s Innovative Approach to Language Learning 耀中语言学习的创新模式
YCIS Beijing’s Unique Co-Teaching Model 耀中独特的双教师协作教学模式
Following the panel discussion, parents will be able to tour the YCIS Beijing campus and observe our students in action, as well as see the exciting changes that are happening in our newly renovated Learning Communities. The morning will then conclude with an Admissions Q&A session.
RSVP for this special event by clicking “Read More 阅读原文” below to visit our Yoopay page or by emailing info@bj.ycef.com